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    Working at Established Companies versus Small Startups

    Opportunities in Technology, especially as pertaining to Tech Marketing at Smaller Startups


    Most companies give early-career marketers a narrow set of marketing responsibilities. Then those marketers get bored. Or their careers stagnate. Or both. Tech doesn’t work that way. In tech, you can take on a lot and create more impact – if you have the skills. Tech employers want you to be grounded in strategy, plus you need tactical skills (like social media, demand generation, creative chops, etc.) to execute on those strategies.


    March 29, 2022 Technology Alberta presentation

    Why the assumption that they're worse?

    If the root cause of the problem is monopoly, then this is exactly analogous to the question of established monopolist vs startup.

    "No one ever got fired for choosing <current monopolist>" is fine if you're playing it safe but many people don't have that option and find, sometimes to their surprise, that the cheaper option is also better, due to the different incentives in play.


    Tech offers wide and varied opportunity

    More demand than supply

    Growth industry, software is eating the world!

    Tech prestige & entitlement.

    You are so special to be one of us, the chosen few!


    Flexibility required. Adaptability as circumstances change. Resilience as not everything you do works out

    More collaboration, less hierarchy siloed business units. 

    Fast-paced, less process/structure, adapting to changing circumstances

    Tasks may not be well-defined and this can be confusing


    Lower budget/renumeration. 

    Do the work, get paid. Not get paid, then do the work. Might fail/lose money even after work is complete. Higher risk. 

    Do more with less. Seeking outliers.

    Work with better people.


    Larger - brought in to be more specialized, more process. More bureaucracy

    Scrappy, Play different roles

    Not just with problems but solutions

    Things move quickly

    Doesn’t work for all people

    More learning opportunity and responsibility. Especially as the startup scales up and grows. 


    Higher potential career growth/trajectory.

    Direct impact, line of sight to strategic goals

    Building enterprise values


    Ability to influence everybody

    Pitch an idea

    No hierarchy



    Influence 360 degrees

    TWF course, ASM, Alacrity Canada      

    Voice is heard, work directly affects customer and you can make higher impact

    Trying different campaigns, tactics

    Less politics and BS.


    Work with an owner who understands marketing.


    Freedom and autonomy. Escape from the rat race. Be the captain of your own ship. 

    Don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Blue, red and black pill.

    Can take higher risks, don’t report to any board.


    If you fail, you fail. Everything is learning.

    Tried it, gave it a shot, no shame in failing. Adjusting from failure into focusing more on what success is.

    Experimentation is key part of culture. Permission to fail, try, learn from failings and move on.

    Big companies are making yourself look good, taking credit, playing politics

    I made a mistake last week and am trying to not get fired. I need help ( 


    Less emphasis on formal education and more hustle.

    Nurse faces prison for a deadly error. Her colleagues worry: Could I be next? (


    international students: get a job first

    don't care about what the job is, need fresh start

    don't have job in canada

    employees here don't care about experience outside of canada

    get canadian work experience

    start journey here


    gaps in work nature


    more variety



    very well-defined responsbilities - poorly defined


    salary expectations bad


    time flexibility

    handle multiple tasks




    huge gap

    tech related

    marketing the company

    don't know if


    courses to learn about the wholesale business


    what am i offering to the students

    tools like junglescout, wholesale formula

    to learn about ecommerce


    amazing selling machine

    focus on business background

    company story

    marketing the company

    surprises at the end


    tech company with junglescout

    details are not necessary

    Employee versus Entrepreneur mindset

    be resourceful

    learn how to solve your own problems


    have resources to continue operating for a long time

    not to teach how to make money online

    easier ways online


    build a business where you learn to fish yourself


    get good at solving problems

    no excuses

    figure it out


    make decisions

    forward faster

    earn the profit faster

    achieving it


    quantity and speed of decision making makes difference

    having own business gives you control over your own life

    control your destiny

    takes work to get there

    embrace the grind/suck

    or give up and go back to where you are before you started

    The Economy Is Fake, the Jobs Are Fake, the Money Is Fake

    You can't roast people too badly for being "antiwork" when most jobs are simply useless nowadays. Polls have shown that around half of people report either their job is totally useless, or that it's unclear to them if there is any social benefit to their work whatsoever. How has this happened? Why do people put so much effort into what is, in effect, play work. We talk about David Graeber's article, book and concept of Bullshit Jobs, jobs so inane that even the people working them can't justify their existence. This brings up economic questions of hyper-production, the Consoomerist economy, post-scarcity and of course the alleged panacea of Universal Basic Income (UBI). At the root of all of it is a public-private plastic economy based on easy and highly inflationary money, which strips people of savings and keeps people working like good wagies from cradle to the grade on jobs that exist just to keep the fake economy going. Comments on the psychological effects of Bitcoin and hard money included. Antiwork R*dditor appears on Fox News: The original Bullshit jobs article: "Why It's Bad to Have High GDP": 00:00:00 The Fake Economy 00:01:09 Virgin antiwork Redditor vs. Chad Fox News 00:03:01 David Graeber's BS Jobs 00:06:08 An example of a BS job in the German military 00:08:09 How many people have fake jobs? 00:09:22 Is it just a government problem? 00:16:12 The Coofvid Lockdown and "Non-essential workers" 00:18:31 Defining Modern Wageslavery and on "Employees" and Time 00:22:52 The types of BS jobs 00:25:30 Goons and Cigarette Ads 00:27:09 Fake non-software jobs 00:30:25 This is 00:31:38 LONG Donation reading 00:46:12 The culture of Wagecuckery and Hyperproduction 00:49:50 Graeber and the Wagie mindset 00:50:17 Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Post-Scarcity 00:53:18 UBI and the Wagie Uprising 00:56:28 The Inflation Run 00:59:09 Should I care about inflation? 01:00:06 Life in a deflationary economy 01:02:19 What are BS jobs in the inflationary economy? 01:04:38 Would Graeber agree? 01:06:01 Inflation as theft. 01:07:07 Why high GDP is bad 01:09:36 The example of the Bitcoiner mindset 01:10:54 Will gold and Bitcoin destroy the economy? Yes. 01:13:38 Hard Money and Bullsh*t Jobs: The Endgame 01:15:09 Fake Anarchism and UBI 01:16:20 Comments on Left and Right Anarchism 01:18:18 Closing Notes, including *important* RSS updates!

    Once a year, every CEO should apply to a job at their own company under a different name to see how maddening the process is for candidates.

    figure shit out

    enjoy learning how to do things


    formalizing a cofounder


    test drive the relationship

    compatible working styles


    Put together an event



    in detail copmletely honest



     Access to

     Artists Who Code, a group helping artists switch careers to tech (





    Because the larger the company, the more political and as a general rule the shitty-er the climate for technical professionals.

    Large companies are very rigid. You follow their rules or don’t work there. It’s why I don’t work for large companies.

    I worked for Reed Elsevier years ago as a DBA. I was there for five years when the HR department was moved outside of IT.

    I worked remotely often and on weekends. Therefore, I didn’t work the normal 8–5 hours.

    The HR group wasn’t onboard with that mindset. After five years of working this way, the new HR comrades said I needed to be in the office 8–5 and do the outside work.

    They didn’t understand how rare DBAs were. My boss tried to make the case for my flexible hours but lost.

    I was called into HR and written up for coming in at 8:30. I laughed, walked out before they could lecture me, handed them my badge and laptop and had another job by the end of the week.

    Do yourself a favor, steer clear of HR in every company. They aren’t there to help you. They are the gestapo for the company. The worst people in any company.

    Now, the climate is much better today than what is was. However, larger companies still see you as a cog in their wheel. You either abide be their rules or leave.

    So, Google, Microsoft, Apple… etc.. do what they can to distance themselves from the typical corporate milieu… and they should, because skilled tech types can work anywhere they want.




    The saddest thing I saw in the corporate world wasn’t people being fired. It was stagnation.

    These people had no growth, no change, no desire to evolve. They had the same job title for more than a decade. They stood in company events with dead eyes and forced smiles that seemed to dare you to ask how much they hated their life.

    I wondered if these people were lizards. I’d rather be fired than live in their shoes.

    From the day we are born until the day we die, we are wired for growth. We need to feel competent in some way.

    There’s a thing called The End-of-history Illusion that people of all ages experience. The subconscious assumes you will be roughly the same person many years from now that you are today, that you have completed your growth.

    This is why people often get a tattoo, not fully understanding that their future



    Do things you are good at. Get better at things you are bad at. Push towards goals. Take up hobbies that involve creation. Never abandon your quest to become better.

    You should never see the same person looking back at you 10 and 20 years down the line.

